Casey Brooks Apps

Scripture Now! Memory System 3.1.0
Casey Brooks
Scripture Memory Notifications has becomeScripture Now to accompany a complete redesign to Material Design.Nearly every line of code been rewritten to be better, more useful,less buggy, and much more beautiful, so you can focus on memorizingScripture.Psalm 119:11 tells us "I have stored up your word in my heart,that I might not sin against you." Memorizing Scripture from theHoly Bible isn't just a good idea, it is vital to the Christian'sgrowth and faith in Christ.But improving your Scripture memory can be hard if you don't haveany way of constantly seeing and reminding yourself of the versesyou want to memorize. But chances are, you are checking your phoneat least a few times a day, so what better way to master Scripturethan to have it displayed in your notification drawer to be seenevery time you turn on your phone!SCRIPTURE NOW! FEATURES:Simple, Non-intrusive Memory System-Add your verse to the notification drawer. Every time you see it,take a moment to learn it better.-You choose how much you want to see of the verse. View it in full,see just the first letters, randomly remove words, and more!-Pick a state or a tag to memorize, and work your way through thatwhole list, trying to get them all Memorized!-Work just from the notification or train yourself from theDashboard. Place a widget on your homescreen so you neverforget.Robust Verse Management-Rate how much of each verse you know (None, Some, Most, All), andtry to get them all to Memorized!-Add tags to your verses to group them together in lists youcreate!-Set which list you are currently working on, and make that yourfocus. Try to learn everything in a particular state, or memorizeall you can about a specific topic with your tags.-Select multiple verses and change their state or tags as a group.Spend your time memorizing your verses, not micromanaging them.Help Finding Verses-Don't just memorize what you know, find ALL that the Bible has tosay with the Topical Bible search. Enter a word or phrase and getas many as 100 relevant verses curated from the Topical Bible any verse reference and instantly download its text in yourfavorite translation.-Import packs of verses that have been prayerfully hand-picked.Create your own verse packs and share them with your friends!-Download a new verse every day from Memory is a beautiful thing-Scripture Now has always been developed with good design in mind,and no corners have been cut. Everything is designed to be clean,colorful, and most of all, intuitive.-UI adheres very strongly to Google's Material Design specificationto give the best possible presentation and interaction with theapp.-Many Scripture apps have many great features that get lost in baddesign and poor navigation. Navigation in Scripture Now isintuitive and every option is exactly where you would expect it tobe, and the navigation drawer puts everything just one clickaway.-Available in light and dark themes.Description of permissions:This app needs permission to use internal storage to backup,import, and export verses. It also uses the Internet to downloadthe verse of the day and access for the Discoverscreen.Please note that this app is still under development, and sothere may be bugs that I have not caught. But this also means thatI will be updating the app and adding new features as often as Ican. If you find any bugs, have any feature requests, would like meto pray for you, or would like to learn more about Jesus Christ,send me an email at with "ScriptureMemory" in the subject line. You can also contact me in-app, or adda comment below.Keywords: Scripture Now, scripture memory, memorize scripture ,scripture mastery, Christian, Christianity, verse of the day,memory system,, Topical Bible 1.1
Casey Brooks
The only intelligent topical Bible curated by you!